Springtime Pruning?

By David Mikulak

As an ISA certified arborist working in the Mogollon Rim Country for the past twenty years, I am annually frustrated as springtime rolls around and I see local tree companies, who claim to perform "tree care", advertise tree pruning services as part of their spring promotions. In all actuality, springtime is the very worst time in the calendar year to do any cutting on trees. On behalf of all educated tree care professionals, tree biologists, and horticulturists the world over, I beg you: "Do not allow anyone to cut your trees in the spring!" Why you ask? In the springtime, as the trees are coming out of their dormancy, the cambium layer (a trees vascular system) becomes very active moving moisture, minerals and essential elements up through the roots and into the branches as it rushes to create leaves, this years "food factories", which will supply the organism with the very energy by which it will live and grow, and do all the wonderful things that trees do for us. Pruning during the spring flush of new growth injures the cambium layer and interferes horribly with the trees growth processes, making normal operations strained, stressed and dysfunctional. Damaging the trees vascular system at this time hinders the trees ability to allocate resources for bud growth, root elongation, and defense against a multitude of disorders.

Seeing this misguided advertising only reemphasizes the need for education in the tree industry and the fact that there are tree companies that are working on trees with no real knowledge of tree biology and its impact upon what we do to trees and when we do it! I am amazed that none of the big three tree companies up here in Rim Country have a certified arborist on their staff or in management. This lack of education can only hurt the biological legacy we have up here in the largest Ponderosa Pine stand on the planet! When choosing a tree care provider for your trees, be sure to hire an ISA certified arborist. Call Natural Beauty Tree Works, LLC today and see what a difference it makes to have a certifed arborist care for your trees! Find us on Google, see us on Yelp, and like us on Facebook! Call today: 480-364-3344. Serving Rim Country for 19 years!

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109 E Garrels Unit B

Payson, AZ 85541

Phone: 480-364-3344
