There is no mistake why I became an ISA certified arborist. My love for them is uncontainable! They are the great filters of the Earth; truly a miraculous organism. They give so much to us yet they cost us very little! Here are just a few of the wonderful things trees offer humanity:
Trees give us shade
Trees beautify our world
Trees sequester carbon dioxide
Trees give us oxygen
Trees help the environment
Trees trap stormwater runoff
Trees reduce soil erosion
Trees provide homes for wildlife
Trees increase property value
Trees reduce energy use lowering utility bills
Trees reduce noise pollution
Trees lower air temps
Trees add character
Trees provide a sense of peace and tranquility
Go take a look at th...
Read morePosted on 05/31/2020 at 01:34 PM
Proud to be a caretaker of one of the oldest living organisms on the planet! When selecting a treecare provider, make the wise choice and hire an ISA certified arborist. Call today for a free estimate: 480-364-3344. We have been caring for Rim Country trees for 19 years!
Posted on 05/22/2020 at 10:31 AM
As an ISA certified arborist working in the Mogollon Rim Country for the past twenty years, I am annually frustrated as springtime rolls around and I see local tree companies, who claim to perform "tree care", advertise tree pruning services as part of their spring promotions. In all actuality, springtime is the very worst time in the calendar year to do any cutting on trees. On behalf of all educated tree care professionals, tree biologists, and horticulturists the world over, I beg you: "Do not allow anyone to cut your trees in the spring!" Why you ask? In the springtime, as the trees are coming out of their dormancy, the cambium layer (a trees vascular system) becomes very active moving m...
Read morePosted on 01/22/2020 at 02:27 PM
So, you need to have your gall bladder removed? Do you use a doctor who does not know where the gall bladder is or what it looks like, or do you use a doctor who knows the human body? This is why surgeons are certified. So, why would you use someone to care for your trees who knows not where the vascular system is located and how it functions. Proper tree care is directly connected to thorough knowledge and understanding of tree biology. Improper pruning invites borers, pathogens, and actually wounds the tree. Knowing how a branch is attached shows you where to cut them off with minimal damage. Protect your trees and use a board certified arborist to care for them. Currently, we are Rim Cou...
Posted on 09/18/2018 at 02:06 PM
David Mikulak is currently the only ISA Board Certified Arborist working in the Mogollon Rim Country. Call today and see what a difference it makes to have a certified arborist care for your trees. Serving Rim Country since 2000. 480-364-3344
Posted on 05/07/2018 at 03:08 PM
Start your post here...Don't let unskilled laborers and landscapers touch your trees! Their knowledge lies on the ground not in the trees! They do not have the proper education to work on trees. Aside from humans, trees are one of the most complex organisms on the planet. Entrust them to the only group of professionals authorized, trusted, and credentialed to work on them. See what a difference it makes to have an ISA Board Certified Arborist care for your trees. Call today for a free estimate and take advantage of our low winter rates for pruning, removals, planting and firewise clearing. Serving Payson and Rim Country for almost 20 years: 480-364-3344
Posted on 01/18/2018 at 05:11 PM
We are happy to announce that David Mikulak, ISA Board Certified Arborist and owner of Natural Beauty Tree Works LLC in Payson AZ has been voted in as a Board Member of The Arizona Community Tree Council effective January 2018. Strong healthy trees make for strong healthy communities! They give us air, shade, and beauty!
Posted on 01/11/2018 at 09:48 AM